quarta-feira, 15 de agosto de 2012

Sugestões para o nome de uma liga internacional de clubes de Star Wars

O nosso clube é o membro fundador de uma futura liga internacional de clubes de Star Wars que se apresentará em forma de Fórum.Por enquanto ainda estamos em fase de consulta,mas já temos confirmados vários clubes e grupos europeus,sul-americanos,japoneses e norte-americanos.Como ainda não temos o nome para esta aliança,lançamos desde já o desafio aos nossos membros e amigos para nos sugerirem um nome em inglês e cuja sigla seja fácil de pronúnciar.As sugestões podem ser enviadas para o nosso e-mail.Além do nome,iremos posteriormente lançar um concurso para um logotipo desta aliança.

3 comentários:

  1. S.W.I.C.-Star Wars International Club ou S.W.W.C.-Star Wars Worldwide Club ou S.W.L.-Star Wars Legion!

  2. Dear Mr. Oliveira,

    My name is Adi Azhar Majid and I am the current President of the Star Wars Malaysia Fan Club, the one and only Star Wars fan club in Malaysia registered with the local authorities and enjoying the privileged recognition from Lucasfilm Ltd.

    I read your email with great interest and with even greater thanks to you. It gives me great pleasure to inform you that Star Wars Malaysia Fan Club would be honoured to join the international forum that you speak of. I am very certain that this affiliation can bring closer fans of Star Wars from all over the world where we can share events, news, promotional offers and other things beneficial to our respective members.

    Allow me, please, to tell you a bit more about us. Despite having a large fan-base since the late 1970s, Star Wars Malaysia Fan Club (we like to call ourselves Swamfac for short) was only officially established in December 2011. It has been our credo to bring together all of the Malaysian fans of George Lucas' wonderful universe under one roof. Since our inception, we have been reaching out to fans throughout our country through various events and media exposure. And thanks to our geographical proximity, we enjoy a good relationship with Star Wars Fans Singapore as well.

    The Office-Bearers and Committee Members of Swamfac for the term of 2012/2014 are as follows:

    Mr. Adi Azhar Majid (myself)

    Mr. Haron Nawi

    Hon. Secretary:
    Ms. Ainin Parid

    Asst. Hon. Secretary:
    Ms. Azlin Baharudin

    Hon. Treasurer:
    Mr. Ahmad Asmawee

    Director of Membership Affairs:
    Mr. Sanjiv Indran

    Committee Members:
    Mr. Yazid Rahmat
    Mr. Ahmad Nizam Sharif
    Ms. Mika Heart
    Mr. Kavin Ch'ng

    On behalf of all Star Wars fans in Malaysia, I look forward to this international alliance with open arms. Please extend my warmest regards to the representatives of the other Star Wars Clubs from other countries already in this affiliation.

    You may find that there are quite a number of splinter groups of Star Wars fans in Malaysia. However, we are the main and only Star Wars fan club in Malaysia registered with the Malaysian Registrar of Societies, therefore making us the right and only avenue for you to affiliate yourself with. We are the only Star Wars fan club in Malaysia to enjoy a healthy relationship with corporations, media partners (both print and electronic) and charity organisations in Malaysia. We hope that you shall continue to communicate and liaise with us.

    As for this alliance you speak of, kindly advice us of the next step on how we can proceed with this.

    We look forward to hearing from you, Mr. Oliveira. May the Force be with you. :)

    Thank you.

    Yours faithfully,
    (ROS Reg. No.: 5338-11-SEL)

